School & District Calendar
School & District News
Part-Time School Age Child Care Caregiver Opening... Apply Today!
Please join us for this fun family night October 29th! We hope to have a great turn out this year and are excited about the addition of the big trucks that are coming! Do not forget to get those bags of candy turned into your child's teacher to help their class win a popcorn party!
We hope you will help us spread the word about our School Store fundraiser! This fundraiser is a great way to support your child's classroom! Don't forget to get those e-mails put in and return your child's envelope with the code so they can earn a book buddy! You can continue to shop at popular sites, donate gift cards to your child's teacher, or purchase items from the school store to continue raising funds that go directly to your child's teacher to purchase educational items for their room!
8/19/24 Press Release: Complaint, Response, and Supporting Documents Available